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The mothers of Nuu-Muu

February 26, 2015 4 min read

The mothers of Nuu-Muu

Friday, February 27th is not actually Mother’s Day.

At least not on a large scale. But at Nuu-Muu, there will be a celebration of the “Mothers of Muu” – our first annual Mother’s Lunch, honoring the women who brought us into the world and launched us on our respective journeys. Journeys that have all led us, for the moment at least, right here.

I, sadly, will not be there. Just one of the hard truths about being the long-distant contributor to our company. But the rest of the “girls” who are intrinsic to Nuu-Muu’s heart and soul will be. And so will most of their mothers, even mine. It is small miracle really that so many of them are available. Close by. And some of these beautiful women I have already had the pleasure of meeting, knowing and loving. Others, not yet. But as I told my own Mama: This is an event not to miss – these are really special women! (Yes, YOU TOO!)

It brings tears to my eyes actually, to think of them being in one place. Mothers seeing another aspect of just who it is their daughters have become; what they have created. Daughters showing off our mamas to one another and showing off one another to our mamas. But more than showing off, it is really about enjoying each other. And of course, eating a really fantastic lunch. (Sigh.)

The Very Auspicious Guest List:

Corky (a.k.a. Grandma Cookie) – mother of Lisa, is with Lisa and the rest of us in spirit, and is still a strong and beautiful influence in her life. She deeply loved her granddaughters, birthdays, parties, cooking and her garden. And she would have loved to watch her gorgeous daughter bring Nuu-Muu to the world with an elegant vengeance. (Corky – she’s amazing!!!)

Aunt Jani – bonus Mother-in-Law (MIL) to Lisa, and the perfect reminder that there are incredible women who impact our lives profoundly, whether we were born to them or we inherit them along the way. Lisa loves Jan for her loving support, creativity and “smarts,” among a zillion other things.

G.G. (for Grandma Gini) – mother of Christine, in possession of quiet strength and the kind of wisdom that brings people seeking her advice. Always positive and practical and full of great ideas. She raised me to be part of her tribe and it is with open arms that I return to her or her to me as often as possible. (Sorry I’m not there Mama but thankful that you are!)

Fishy – mother of Ashley, celebrator of life. The kind of girl who puts ribbons on her bike and joins in on the adventure. Fishy moves forward without fear, embracing life to its fullest. OH, and let’s not forget, she raised one of the strongest women I have ever met. (Not to mention one of my favorite people on the planet.)

Marmie – mother of Chelle, healer extraordinaire and the one who would embrace ice skating and “fat biking” at 67. She raised Chelle who embodies personal wisdom and self-understanding more than almost anyone I have met. Marmie’s energy has been working its magic!

Sara – mother of Laura, an adventurer who continues to grow herself with every year on this planet and exudes peace. That Sara raised Laura makes perfect sense – Laura whose brilliance and bold spirit shine brightly everywhere she goes. Where will you take us next Laura? And can I please come?

Elliemother of Nikki, filled Nikki’s childhood up with rich experiences on a shoestring budget. She taught her kindness and hard work (and taught them really well I might add) and always made special events magical. Now we get to experience Nikki, our Social Butterfly, making magic of her own for Nuu-Muu. (Ellie – we are so sorry that you are far away in Florida today but grateful that you were here last week to let Nikki be all about Nuu-Muu!)

Mesee – mother of Enid, is a super star at supporting those around her and has a vivacious spirit and long list of interests (even basket weaving!). She raised Enid, the seriously spunky one with the creative edge we rely on, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Because, and this is not exaggeration, without Enid, there would be no Nuu-Muu.

Suzanne – mother of Matt, the best darn daughter she could muster. We appreciate Suzanne for making sure Matt was in touch with his feminine side because, truly, we adore him. Matt brings the song to our dance! (Not to mention the pants.)

Linda – mother of Andy, just the one you want around when you need another mom in the wings! (Who is Andy, you might ask? Let’s just say he makes the boss lady really fantastic green smoothies almost daily. And he drinks beer with Matt. But we haven’t thought of a good title for that yet so you won’t find him on our website.)

And then there are the many other “Mothers” of Muu, women who are a beautiful part of our lives in whatever capacity: the MILs, the aunties, the neighbors. A sweet shout out to Ronda, Nikki, Susan and the rest of you…I hope you know who you are. We do.

We just wouldn’t be here without you.

With love from Christine and the rest of the crew

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