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Yep: YOU are awesome!!

February 23, 2016 3 min read

Yep: YOU are awesome!!

A couple weeks ago, we decided to focus on self-love for Valentine’s Day, and we held a little Facebook contest.

We called it “Tell Us Why You’re Awesome”.

In return, we got 120 totally awesome responses, many of which had us tearing up. We were so touched that we thought it deserved its own blog post.

A sampling of the entries:

Rana: I love that I am the best mom that I can be. Every time I look at my son, my heart fills with love and pride and that in raising such a wonderful young man, I did something very right in my life. I am proud of myself because I am almost a year cancer free and I didn’t realize how strong and determined I was until I had to be.


Sandi: I love that I’m raising a brilliant funny beautiful daughter on my own – by choice, using a donor – and that even though it runs the gamut from being Really Amazing to being Really Hard sometimes it’s worth every second and I know that she can see me as a strong confident mama and be strong and confident herself. I’m proud that I can give her that gift.

Krissy: I love that at age 45 I was an unemployed depressed 235 pound single mom going through foreclosure and I was able to pull myself up from those depths, lose 95 pounds start running and biking, meet a great guy and get married and place 3rd at the National Duathlon Championship all in 18 months! Now I know if I can do that, I can do anything I set my mind on!

Patti: I love that while my body is up and down I have figured out how to still like myself. I love that I have raised 2 healthy, happy, ambitious and loving children. And most of all I love that I have a family I am proud of and can respect and know that this feeling is reciprocated by everyone of them.

Regena: There are so many things I love about myself as I enter my mid 50’s. First off, I made it to my mid 50’s…lol I am healthier than I have been in years (thanks to a picture of a fruit punch nuu-muu that I couldn’t fit into until I dropped some tonnage), I am a great wife, mom and gramgram, volunteer, ice cream maker. I am a 5K fanatic and a trekkie and my hair is a killer shade of gray. I am a bit of a cheerleader/booty kicker and my son thinks I am morbidly optimistic. I am a wonderful work in progress. Gee, I shoulda just wrote that first. LOL

Laura: My body is amazing, but you never know what it can do unless you try. The hardest thing for me to ever do was enter my first 5K. Now, I have completed a 50 miler, and many other ultras. My body has took me places I never knew possible! Listen to your body & go out and explore!!!!

Gina: My body is awesome! I didn’t realize it until I gave birth to an amazing little girl. And then at age 37 decided to be a runner- after Never, ever running. It was hard, really hard. 6 half marathons later and a daughter who thinks her moms a badass- my body is awesome!

Leslie: I’m 61 and recently completed my first 100 mile trail race. I love that I’m game to meet new challenges. A 5K never entered my mind 10 years ago, or even owning a pair of running shoes. What started out as walking around the block to lose some post back surgery weight has certainly changed my life!

The feels! We loved this contest. We love all the self-love. We love the #StrongWomen who love Nuu-Muu.

You certainly are awesome!

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