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10 Years of Magic

April 28, 2020 4 min read 8 Comments

10 Years of Magic


Enid is the one you find in the details of Nuu-Muu.
Her beauty, her balance and her bold heart.
Plus, she's a brilliant cook.
And the best mama.


It’s no secret that we love decade celebrations…and this spring we are celebrating 10 years of Enid’s gorgeous presence and creative guidance on all things Nuu-Muu.

Enid’s official title at Nuu-Muu is “Designer.” Unfortunately, that title simply can’t do justice to the degree of impact she has on our operations, our aesthetic, our everything.

The virtual halls of Nuu-Muu echo with the visual voice of Enid. Her contributions to this company are so varied and so vast that it is difficult to put them adequately into words.  Thankfully, I am free to use a few images to share a bit of her legacy.

The thing about Enid is that she brings that extra bit of
awesome to everything she touches.


My favorite recent example of this is the Valentines she created that we delighted in sending out as our first official Nuu-Muu mailing. Not only were they stunning, but each one was hand stitched by Enid’s very own hand.  And, for full disclosure, I begged for three of them and am in the process of getting them framed for me and for each of my daughters. [#heartfull]




Enid is the one who made it possible for Nuu-Muu to create prints exclusive to our brand. That process is so flipping fun and one of my favorite parts of Nuu-Muu. After a delicious hour scanning old digital files, I picked out just one iteration of one print from one season’s brainstorm (one I loved that we have not yet made!) to share. In that hour, I marveled, for the 1,000th time, how incredible it is what comes out of Enid’s head and heart. At the time, we called this one Water Flower. (Tell us if you like it…we are all ears!) 

Water Flower sample


Here is another one, some of you will recognize. Eventually Flamenco and Samba came from this beginning.


Poms design practice


If we make it, Enid had a hand it how it’s put together. What is exceptional about her process is how patiently she considers every detail, every outcome, every possible hindrance. She works at it until the pocket, for example, is perfect. And, for all of you reading, there are some super exciting new patterns up her sleeve. Stay tuned!  (!!!!!!!)

 pattern with ribbon



When we communicate as a company, Enid is the one who makes sure it looks good. And make sense. She is constantly adding value to the zillions of projects that come her way. Of the hundreds of graphic images she has created over the years, this one caught my eye today. Enid sees it all differently…and our beautiful world expands in her capable hands.

Earth Day graphic 

You would think that most of the graphics deal with dresses…but alas, such is not this company! I also love this one for a World Bicycle Relief fundraiser:

 World Bicycle Relief graphic


Although it seems impossible that there is anotherpart of her role at Nuu-Muu, Enid also manages the majority of our photo shoots. She organizes the models, the photographers, the props, the lists, and even the weather. (!) Photos are a huge part of our business and Enid’s eye is involved in them from start to finish. I love this simple one of Ginger.

 Image of Ginger Scoop earring SUP



So, this is the thing…not only does Enid feed our souls, she feeds our bodies. She is the one we always hope will be in charge of treats, and thankfully, she is almost always willing. Her baby boy already knows where to find the cinnamon jar in their spice cupboard – which gives you some kind of idea how much time they spend in their kitchen!  And popcorn. The ridiculously popular popcorn Enid made for World Nuu-Muu Day. Everybody asked about it. LIKE, literally, EVERYBODY. But that is totally normal concerning food items from Enid – they are always insanely good. The key, I think, is that she takes her time. If it takes 2 days to cook something the right way…she takes it. And the people rejoice. I am eager for my next trip to Bellingham specifically because Enid said she would make me cinnamon ice cream. And that is worth a trip!!!!



No month in the year would be as much fun without Enid, but particularly April…and if someone has to fool you, let it be her!

April Fool's Day Man Muu Image


April Fool's Day Eve Muu Image


The Rest

The rest? There is still so much we could say. It wouldn’t fully reflect our appreciation for Enid if we didn’t mention her calm reason, her care and concern for our company’s wellness, and her fiscal responsibility with respect to Nuu-Muu’s bottom line. She and I finally traveled as a duo last fall, attending a conference in San Francisco. I was delighted to let Nuu-Muu take us out to a nice Indian restaurant at the end of a long day of learning. And Enid did let herself enjoy it. Although if she was on her own, I am pretty sure she wouldn’t have allowed the indulgence. But E – you are worth every bit of every way we can find to celebrate your contributions. And you get bonus points for your darling boy who loves to test drive the fabric samples.

Image of boy wrapped in fabric


Enid’s mark on Nuu-Muu is profound. And her mark on our hearts is indelible.

With love and gratitude,

All of us at Nuu-Muu

8 Responses


May 05, 2020

Thank you Enid for sharing your gift of artistic beauty with us! I love art and one of things I adore about Nuu-Muu is that I get to wear art on a dress every day! Your designs are amazing and bring me a lot of joy :-) Happy 10 years and many more to you!

Leslie Daugherty
Leslie Daugherty

April 30, 2020

Ten years of creative class! Thank you, Enid!

Brenda Dotinga
Brenda Dotinga

April 29, 2020

I really like the first set of vintage patterns, #3the purple and green
Evening gown is a great idea as well as men involved
I know my 14 year old son wore his sisters Nuu on his birthday as were singing to him
I have a video

Diana Schumacher
Diana Schumacher

April 29, 2020

Congratulations dear Enid on your Muu-versary! Thank you for all you do for us voracious teamies, for your amazing contributions to Nuu Muu and for your patience too! All the best! 🥰❤️


April 29, 2020

I’m left speechless some times by the intricacy of her designs, how I find some other thing to appreciate in the subtle colours. Thankful for your eye, Enid. It sees beauty.


April 29, 2020

You forgot her dancing! Zowie, that grrrrrrrllllll can DANCE!!!!! <3 Love her immensely! <3

Kathy Renaud
Kathy Renaud

April 29, 2020

Congrats Enid! wow you have accomplished allot in your 10 yrs at NuuMuu! Love the prints above they should def be done! As I sit her in a Nuu enjoying my eve, I am thrilled to be able to say thank you for all that you do for this great company! I was a lucky recipient of one of your amazing cards, still waiting to use it …maybe on one of the new prints coming soon! Heres wishing you many more year of fun with the great ladies at NuuMuu!!!💓💓💓

Anita Cunningham
Anita Cunningham

April 29, 2020

Happy Anniversary Enid!
The Man-Muu and the Pantsuit were my favorite April posts😂
The “Water Flowers” would make a pretty set of sister dresses.

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