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Rafting & Camping ala Muu

May 05, 2017 2 min read

Rafting & Camping ala Muu

Spring runoff in Idaho means that some of the state’s more obscure rivers, hidden in amazing canyons just below the sage prairie, make for stunning multi-day raft trips.

Last weekend, I took a 3 day trip down the Bruneau River. Of course I packed my Muu.

The day we arrived, the sun was shining, the wind was blowing, and it was 36 degrees. I was happy to be the proud new owner of a dry suit. Even with my suit, we were shaking by the time we finally reached camp that evening.

Flash forward to the next morning when, after sleeping in, we woke up to calm blue skies and a day that promised to truly warm us up – somehow I think it hit 70 that day. Thankfully, one of the guys got up early and made coffee. So, after sleeping in my Muu, I pulled on some yoga pants, found my mug, and then took my coffee up to the rocks overlooking the river. Please excuse the look on my face…I was literally 5 minutes from my sleeping bag.

Later, a bunch of us hiked to the rim of the canyon. My Ruu was perfect for stashing my phone in between shots and when I had to use both hands to scramble. 

When we returned to camp, sweaty and ready for cocktails, I dried my dress on the raft in the sun. It didn’t take long. 

We goofed off around camp chasing the sun until dinner was ready. A bunch of kayaker friends showed up to share camp and eat the leftovers. I threw a long-sleeved shirt over my Muu for the evening and was happy as a lark.

Beautiful weekend. Glad I had the right dress (and the right dry suit). And the right guy!! (That's my hubby up above.)

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