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When women support one another with open hearts, magic happens. And we LOVE that magic.


The Point

Before it can be about us, it has to be about you. Because the women who created, founded and operate Nuu-Muu don't work in a vacuum. In fact, some of us hardly use a vacuum. Or we have so many pets that it doesn't matter how often we vacuum. At any rate, on the following points we have been delightedly clear since the beginning:

We believe in strong girls & women. We believe in real bodies & real friends. We believe in trying really hard. We believe in having fun along the way. 
We believe that you can too.


And, most importantly, we invite you to be a part of we.  Because the whole point of having this company is to support and celebrate women being their best selves and living their most satisfying lives, and doing it in an inspired and encouraging community.  For more info on what Nuu-Muu is all about, check out the following links:

At Heart




The Back Story

Nuu-Muu was started in 2008 by two friends in the habit of adventuring together. Building a business to inspire more of the same in themselves and in others was their perfect challenge. The original founders of Nuu-Muu are the current owners and managers and dear friends who still inspire each other to be their best selves. #friendsfirst


Nuu-Muu Today

Over the past decade, Nuu-Muu has grown up enough to bring together an incredible group of women to share the adventure with us. We spend a lot of time being grateful for each other and our shared mission. We benefit from the energy and exuberance of millennials, the strength and perseverance of moms, the grace and sincerity of wise women (all ages!), and the inspiration of some crazy-cute kids. Our team gatherings usually involve chocolate and a few relatives as well as critical updates on the state of our wellness. And always, lots of great ideas. #yesand 


owner in Wildflower Nuu-Muu exercise dress woman layering City Cat Nuu-Muu dress

Ashley Fullenwider

 ashley [at]

Ashley leads Nuu-Muu fearlessly.
She inspires us to do our yoga and eat our veggies.
And she reminds us never to take ourselves too seriously.


Jeni Miller

Shipping and Office Manager
jeni [at]

Jeni gives us our daily dose of grateful Zen.
She gets the dresses where they need to go.
And she makes hummus on Thursdays.


woman in Aurora Nuu-Muu exercise dress


Nikki Nieves

Marketing Manager
nikki [at]

Nikki is our voice - she keeps our digital platforms buzzing.
She shares our news and sometimes our secrets.
And she really likes bikes!


Enid Wilson

enid [at]

Enid is the one you find in the details of Nuu-Muu.
Her beauty, her balance and her bold heart.
And she's a brilliant cook.


woman in Adrift Scoop exercise dress

Chelle Davidson

Zen Bookmaster
chelle [at]

Chelle keeps the books in order.
And she keeps our lives in order.
And she sets up our yoga mats when we all get to play.








