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Summer 2020 - ALL the info

Hi Friends – First off, we love you and hope you and your families are safe and healthy. This is the most important thing. Secondly, we’re super excited to release our Summer 2020 line today. We really love this line and are excited to share it with you. We always get a lot of questions about sizing so I want to offer a few observations. 

Customer Emily and Daughter in Seashell

And now, for the details:

Summer 2020 dresses will fit similarly to recent productions. If anything, these dresses are a wee bit on the smaller size and on average, about .25inch shorter than Spring 2020 or Fall 2019, but really nothing drastic.  (That comparison observation is for those of you who have A LOT of dresses and have a basis for comparison. New customers can rely on the size chart.) I am sitting here happily in my new M Scoop Sassagrass, even with a few extra Covid-19 pounds to love. So here’s my advice:

    • If you don’t worry too much about sizing/fit – don’t give it another thought. Go with the usual and enjoy.
    • If you trust that the usual is going to be well – the usual – go with it and enjoy.
    • If you feel like our usual fit is just a wee tiny too big on you --  go with the usual and enjoy.
    • If you’re really between sizes and you want to give something a try, go with the larger or grab both and return whichever needs recirculation.
    • If you’re worried about the sizing, feel like you don’t have an inch to spare or just want to make sure, wait for reviews from fellow teamies before making your selection. You know we’ll hear from them. #facepalm
    • Lastly, remember that dresses hot off the press will need a moment to relax in the fresh air. Give them/yourself a second to get used to each other before proclaiming them too [insert something here]. Allow for some difference between brand new dresses and dresses that you’ve worn and loved for a few seasons. [And know that we honor all manner of returns/exchanges so don’t settle for something you don’t love.]  
Customer Michelle in Sassagrass


 Fine print:

  • Our basic dress patterns are unchanged since our Fall 2017 release. That means that if you have any of our recent dresses, the sizing of the new batch will closely mirror the dresses currently offered on our website.
  • It is impossible to make any two dresses exactly alike, let alone thousands, even though we try. We have an agreed upon tolerance for variance with our manufacturer because we understand that there are many factors that effect each finalized dress. These factors include minor variations within the fabric weight, shrinkage during the fabric printing process, how long the fabric rests after being unspooled before cutting, where the dress falls in the cutting stack, sewing seam allowances and the finishing process. We have standards for all of these processes, but you can see the opportunities for variation. In addition, our customers also effect how the dresses wear over time with factors like frequency of use, washing and (eeek) drying, wash temperature, storage mechanism (hang or fold). You get the picture.

 We hope that helps. Stay safe and healthy. 

- Ashley (Founder)


P.S. Want to see more photos from real live customers and/or read first hand accounts on the fit? Join Team Nuu-Muu, the happiest place on Facebook.