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We are the ones

March 26, 2020 2 min read 1 Comment

We are the ones

Hello there, loves. Ashley here to offer a few words of support as we navigate this unprecedented time in history. WOW. We’re doing pandemic. Okay then – let’s do this.

Last week I was feeling a little bit lucky that Nuu-Muu is an online business where most employees work from home already and Jeni could safely rock her job in our beautiful little office, shipping dresses one by one. I thought we could weather this storm with a bit of grace and patience.


Of course Nuu-Muu relies on humans and humans are being supremely impacted by this worldwide event. Our fabric supply chain is disrupted. Our fabric printing shop in Los Angeles is closed. Our sew shop in Los Angeles is closed. The United States Postal Service is functioning, risking the lives of our favorite mail carriers. Our summer production will be delayed reaching us and likely fall, too. Our partner shops are suffering across the globe. Our customers are losing their jobs and/or being negatively impacted financially from all directions. And the humans who work for Nuu-Muu are running interference in all spheres of their lives. Yep – all happening right now. 

And I hope in my heart that we’re getting some crazy huge gift of perspective from this giant disruption we’re all facing. We’re being asked to be part of the solution. Stay home, if you are lucky enough to have a home to stay in. Stay home if you have that privilege. It matters. Individually, we have the power to make this situation better or worse. This can only lead to the conclusion that we have the power to change our collective fate. Each person makes a difference. What if we extend this newfound perspective to climate change? Poverty? Healthcare? What if we find out that we have the power to change our individual behavior to save ourselves and our communities, chockful of the humans we love? I see light!

I humbly bow to all of those on the front lines right now: medical workers, grocery clerks, banks tellers, all manner of food service and delivery workers, and all the people I’ve not mentioned who are keeping us alive in a low power state. Thank you. We see you. We honor you.

In the middle of my online yoga class today, the teacher offered, “If you’ve lost your sense of humor after that posture, go find it. You’re going to need it.” Amen.

Precious friends! Dresses bring us together and together we are community. We truly care about each and every one of you, your families and your fates. Please take care of yourselves in this wild moment. Find the practices that serve you and stay true to yourselves. I am offering a virtual Morning Peace Meditation MWF from 8-8:20am PST to all who want to collect themselves for the day to come ( for details). Have grace with each other and be patient.

We love you. Full stop. Have faith in the human spirit. This, too, shall pass.

- Ashley

1 Response

Terry Sherman
Terry Sherman

May 04, 2020

Thank you for being your consistent positive self! I so enjoy checking in and tuning in with you during yoga class. I always look forward to the grounding meditation, the happy participants, and the spirit in which we collectively decide to show up and keep practicing…thanks, Ashley, for your inspiring words…

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