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Our Holidays Are Also Yours

December 31, 2020 2 min read

Our Holidays Are Also Yours

How can we show up for each other over the holidays?


Well, first you need to start with a ridiculous conversation over a Nuu-Muu weekly team call. These calls happen every Tuesday morning and are a necessity for keeping our operations (and team spirit) whirring. We flatly refused to switch these calls to video format when the world went into lockdown earlier in the year, as no one felt inclined to have Nuu-Muu contribute to their daily dose of “Zoom Zap” (a term I read somewhere referring to the exhaustion you feel from being on too many Zoom calls). However, as the holidays crept closer and we found ourselves leaning hard into the spirit of the season (listening to holiday music before Thanksgiving *gasp!* , putting up trees and lights weeks earlier than ever before, etc.), it also became apparent that we all wanted an extra large dose of connection with each other.


“So, do we want to do a holiday party?” was Ashley’s question that could be heard round the team call.


2 of our 8 live and work outside of Bellingham – in Idaho, to be specific – plus, you know, #covid, so a 2020 Holiday party moment had a number of real barriers (we’re sure none of you can relate, right?). And yet – loud yesses echoed in response.  So, we broke ranks and scheduled a video chat, and someone had the lovely idea to set out a box at the Muu-Q for each member of the Nuu-Muu Crew could be filled up with little goodies and collected prior to the call.


The goodie boxes awaiting pick-up by their owners at the Muu-Q!

As a member of the Idaho faction, I was super sad to miss out on Enid’s infamous delicious treats (and Ashley’s fresh pineapple?? Drat!), but Nuu-Muu also gave us Idaho ladies a little mad money to get ourselves our own treats. So, donning a reindeer headband and armed with a creamy stout and a local pastry, I called into our holiday party. It wasn’t anything ground-breaking or miraculous – we drank, we munched, we shared the unboxing of the goodies and accidentally talked over each other more than once – but it was an absolute delight to share that space with this beautiful team of women. For at least the 479th time this year, I was reminded of just how grateful I am to be a part of this Nuu-Muu family – one that consistently goes to great lengths to prioritize and foster connection and compassion. Please know that you are also at the heart of this family, and that we ache to connect with you more too. For all of this, I say, thank you thank you thank you.


Happy remote, distanced, virtual, creative, safe holidays to you and yours – from all of us at Nuu-Muu.


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