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Happy Birthday, Nuu-Muu

January 07, 2021 3 min read

Happy Birthday, Nuu-Muu

We’re 13 this year…WOW! Like most teenage entities, we’re full of ideas and ideals, excited about new clothes, and exploring just exactly how we intend to show up in the world.

This time of year, we’re usually planning for our annual team meeting, fretting about the Spring production arriving on time, holding our cash-flow breath (#annualsale), cleaning up loose ends from the previous year, and generally regrouping.

January 2021 is different. We’ve gotten better at running this show and are in the joyful position of looking towards new products and new moments. Thanks to pandemic life, we’ve also spent many months paying close attention from the confines of our own spaces and hearts. 2021 is different because our entire team woke up to the reality of systemic racism in our world. The humans who operate Nuu-Muu are not the same as we were a year ago and a result, Nuu-Muu is evolving along with us.

Side note: Our team carries a fantastically full knapsack of #yikes and #ugh and #whitefragility and #questions. Questions like: what if it’s not enough? What if we don’t do it right? How do we make authentic change? How do we mitigate that “performative” label? When have we done enough inner work to start the outer work? How could we not know more sooner? How do we make the most of our white privilege to advocate for others? And, by the way, how do we not (again) ignore the struggle of black, brown, and indigenous communities by centering our own experiences? Yeah. #allthethings 

And even so, in 2021 we’ll be sharing a bit more about Nuu-Muu’s anti-racism journey as individuals and as a company. We’ve got a few things in the works that we’re excited about. First, if you haven’t seen our “At the Heart of Nuu-Muu” statement, we invite you check it out. It’s our company’s commitment to actively work toward justice and equality. 

Second, our team is cooking up a mentoring program for young women with entrepreneurial aspirations. We hope this program will 1) inspire young black, brown, and indigenous entrepreneurs, 2) connect mentees with encouraging role models, and 3) foster a rich learning community with local mentors. We look forward to partnering with local leaders to develop and launch this program in fall 2021. Contact if you’d like more information or already know that you want in. We want you in. 

Third, be on the lookout for an announcement about a community reading of “My Grandmother’s Hands” by Resmaa Menakem. We’re committed to reading/experiencing this book as a community and we hope you’ll join us. This group will meet Tuesday afternoons from February 2 – March 2, 2021. Email to get on the readers list or wait for another announcement with registration information. We pledge to make this more than just a comfortable book club. In the meantime, we highly recommend Tara Brach's interview with Resmaa on healing racialized trauma.

As we go forth, we want to acknowledge and recognize our trainers, teachers and guides in this learning, including Off The Mat Into The World, The Compassionate Listening Project, Nicole Cardoza and Anti-Racism Daily, Resmaa Menakem, Susanna Barkataki, Michelle C. JohnsonKim Harris and Sarah Murphy-Kangas. Thank you for leading the way.

Finally, dresses. You guessed it. We, too, are more concerned about the pandemic, defending democratic institutions and dismantling institutional racism than we are about selling stuff. And yet. Nuu-Muu dresses inspire courage and confidence, both of which are needed for what’s ahead. We’re making new products and growing, but as we roll into our 13thyear, we remain a small women-owned business that cares about our customers and their hearts. If your heart needs a tune-up or a time out, we’re here for you: check out 40 Days of Intentional Living, led by our co-founder Ashley Fullenwider. Starts this Sunday.  

2021 is here. We’re diving in and we invite you to play, share, grow and evolve right along with us.  Let’s do this.

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